
Be a beautiful pregnant mother

We all know that the pregnant mother has great changes, not only in the bumping abdomen, but also throughout her whole body. Besides the morning sickness and mood swings, her skin gets dark and her hair become dry. But, don’t worry, all these alterations will go away after the baby born. You can also take some beauty methods to become a pretty pregnant mother.

Massage has a calming effect on the body and is completely safe for pregnant women. To keep on the safe side, massage during the first trimester of pregnancy, many massage centers do a massage when a woman in the first quarter. He and all the special massage packages are available for pregnant women, and you should consult a massage therapist for the best routine for you.

Tip: Massage can be beneficial for pregnant women, because it rids the body of unnecessary tension and prepare for the future of stress and tension. So the best massage therapist to visit, to discuss with him / her all his fears for the massage.

Manicures and Pedicures
Some pregnant women suffer from their nails grow more quickly than usual, was observed due to hormonal changes and other changes in the body, as the highest concentration of minerals and vitamins from the body. Manicures and pedicures for a very useful and are safe. Chemicals in nail polish may be some damage, such as formaldehyde and toluene, is a nail polish. It’s better if the enamel that contain fewer chemicals.

Tip: Make sure the room is well ventilated as fumes and chemicals can be harmful. Massage the ankle and the heel should be avoided because the contraction can be activated at the time.

Women, regardless of age, pregnant, do not like tan. But the tan during pregnancy? Safety of tanning depends on the average you use. Tanning beds during pregnancy should be avoided, even if the sun is something that does not want to do. This is because, when exposed to UV rays can damage your already sensitive skin. Exposure of skin to UV rays increases your chances of developing liver spots, sun spots or skin.

Tip: Any activity that greatly increases the body temperature should be avoided. This includes the avoidance of a solarium, steam bath, jacuzzi, sauna, massage and treatments. A good way is to use sunscreen, but only if you're desperate for a tan. This high-quality cream is safe and does not damage the skin. The last point, it is advisable to stay away from tanning during pregnancy.

Hair Care
Although the safety of hair treatments during pregnancy? Hair can look dry and dull, and would be tempted to go for treatments such as curling, hair coloring or permanent relaxation. Most of these treatments used for substances and products should be avoided during pregnancy, chemicals in the blood through the scalp and rarely cause problems. Although no harmful chemicals, the child or the mother, there is no guarantee of safety of this procedure, the hair during pregnancy.

Hint: it is not worth taking risks and ways to prevent the death of the hair. A better solution is to use hair dyes, sprays do not penetrate the skin and work surfaces. The whole procedure is used, chemical hair should be avoided in the first three months.

Methods of hair removal
Electrolysis is a popular method that uses electric current to remove hair from the body. There is convincing evidence of the fact that an electric current is harmful to pregnant women and fetuses. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women should stay away from this process. Do some precautions must be observed, because you do not get electrolysis bikini area, chest, abdomen and breasts. The best option is to completely avoid electrolysis during pregnancy. If you want to get rid of unwanted hair, you must register via electrolysis. Some pregnant women are usually sensitive to cause pain, which is followed by growth. Pregnant women should consult their doctor before you wax, because it does not always correspond to the skin. Such depilatories (chemicals), and depilatories are saying. Shaving beard is a good choice for pregnant women.

The use of oils to rejuvenate the body is called aromatherapy. Researchers still have not reached a general consensus in the safe use of certain oils to confirm pregnancy. Some oils should be avoided during pregnancy. Pregnant women may also develop nausea and sensitivity to odors of oils of some oils.

Tip: Aromatherapy is the safest during pregnancy, and depends on the oils used in the process. Therefore, the best advice in aromatherapy is a safe treatment during pregnancy.

Therefore, these are some common beauty procedures that you must be careful. Apart from these, your daily beauty regimen is as usual, without causing harm by it. For the beauty complex, which would be better if you consult a specialist? Have a happy and safe pregnancy.

