Cold and flu do not have any known cure which can get rid of these diseases immediately. But there are remedies which focus to relief the major symptoms and can improve the immune systems of our body to fight against the respiratory diseases.
The major symptoms with a cold or flu are fever, cough, and congestion.
The soil treatment and the flu is very simple and natural. Even doctors have recommended a natural treatment for colds and flu, so their life process is complete. After completing the process of life is a huge mess away from your body can form.
One morning you will wake up cold nose stuck with you that uncomfortable breathing for you. In this case, take the rest for your body fights the virus in nature. It helps the body fight off all its energy directly to the virus. With the windows closed, the smell mucilage in the head again, blowing your nose, but to get rid of it. Gently blowing your nose or you'll hear is the pain.
Hot drinks should be used to treat colds and flu, helps the curious experience congestion and sore throat. To reverse or chilled cold drinks. The flu virus enters the presence of intense cold, so try to keep the body warm to drink and eat hot food.
To increase the body's energy to a steam shower. This increases the temperature of your body makes ineffective the virus in your body. To open clogged nasal use menthol or eucalyptus ointment, which will also help you heal your nose rubbed, and irritation by removing red nose.
Sleeping with pillows under your head at night you feel comfortable, but also helps to unblock the nasal passages. Sore throat also comes with the cold and fly, which can be cured naturally gargling. Typically, the salt dissolved in hot water is used for gargling and is very effective to cure a sore throat.
Finally, if we have a good immune system to fight against a cold and flu ,we cold also be away from them. So we cold take some medicine which can keep immune system in good condition, such as
Echinacea in addition to vitamins A, C, E and Zinc.